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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Frank Lloyd Wright and the House Beautiful

If you didn't have a reason to visit Portland, ME this summer, here's one: A friend tipped me off that The Portland Museum of Art has a new exhibit: Frank Lloyd Wright and the House Beautiful. The exhibit features approximately 100 objects, including furniture, metalwork, textiles, drawings, and accessories from the collections of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and other public and private collections.

"The exhibition explores how Wright sought to develop a modern interior reflective of a uniquely American spirit of democracy and individual freedom, illustrates his development in integrating the space with furnishings and architectural elements, and shows his experiments with bringing these ideas to the homes of average Americans."

Frank Lloyd Wright and the House Beautiful is running now through October 8, 2007.

1 comment:

Douglas Anders said...

I saw the exhibit in Midland, Michigan, and it is worth the trip. It isn't a giant, exhausting exhibit -- it is nicely sized to enjoy and absorb.
