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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Question: Top 10 Interior Designers in Boston?

A new question came in, this time from Kristine Leavitt:

Hi there,

Great blog! Who would you say are the top 10 interior designers (*traditional to transitional style ) are in Boston?

Since it seems like you have a pulse on what happening there...thought you may have some input?

Are you going to architecture school?

Would love to get your opinion.

Thank you,

Kristine Leavitt

First, let me thank Kristine for the compliment. And second, no, I'm not yet in architecture school, but I am in school to be an interior designer. In a few years, I'll add myself to the "best in Boston" list (hopefully!).

As far as the best interior designers in the city, I'm not sure. I did a quick search, and got this "Best of Citysearch" page. And we can't forget about Boston Magazine, who does their annual Best of Boston showcase, in such categories as Interior Design and Interior Design - Kitchen.

Who would you say is worthy of the title "Best Interior Designer in Boston"?

1 comment:

Linda Merrill said...

New England Home Magazine has a designer section on their website www.nehomemag.com

They are also currently sponsoring a New England Design Hall of Fame, to be announced in November. Hope that' helpful!
