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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Brownfields 2006

A "brownfield site" is "real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

Reuse and redevelopment of these abandoned, idled or underutilized industrial and commercial sites is both a challenge and an opportunity. Putting these sites back into productive use can serve as a catalyst for local economic revitalization. Complex financial, legal and environmental risks and uncertainties are some of the biggest barriers to owners and developers."

Polluted or contaminated land can be an expense and a liability for the land's owner.
Brownfields2006, being held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center from November 13-15, will explore how to change that land from a liability for one group "to an asset and prime development or reuse opportunity for another."

There's an electrical plant that is largely shut down at the bottom of my street, and an old Coastal Oil plant is down the street from that. I look forward to seeing these areas cleaned up and developed.

The BCEC is located at 415 Summer Street, in South Boston's Waterfront District.

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